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13.02.2009 08:25 - Не го натискай
Автор: coffeen Категория: Други   
Прочетен: 8710 Коментари: 23 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 26.06.2022 16:05

Не получавам никакво удоволствие от това, за което пиша. Все едно ми е, че половината ми посетители ме четат с неодобрение. Не ми е все едно за моята банда и го правя заради тях. Модерацията тук също не ми е фактор, тя си има някакви стандарти, които претендират за световност, а аз съм строго ограничена.
Изобщо не смислям да правя сега конкуренция на промиващия мозъка ви психар от “революционен секс”. Тръгваме оттук, и не го забравяйте докрая на следното неангажиращо, и неинструктивно четиво може би интересно за хора с проблеми, безпроблемните няма какво да търсят тук изобщо:
70 % от жените в развитите страни не могат да получат оргазъм без допълнителна клиторна стимулация.!.! Само проникването не им върши работа!
Първо, вагината си е доста инервирано място, иначе жената би умряла от болка при раждане. Не може да се сравнява по чувствителност с един клитор например.
Второто обаче е, че чувствителността й при еротичната стимулация може да се развива. Приказвах, че сексуалността на жените трябва да бъде възпитавана, ако не е оригинално естествено силна. Това не е трудно нещо, но е непопулярно. Сега казвам един добър начин на възпитанието й. Това е мастурбиране без участието на свръх чувствителното място, клитора. В свръхвъзбудено състояние стените на вагината стават зърнесто-релефни и няма по-безапелационен и брутален начин на наслаждение.
Тук ви трябват повече здрави нерви, почвам да приказвам за ритуалното обрязване, което е сходно по ефект при мъжете и при жените. Препуциумът, също като клитора, е едно от най-чувствителните места, заедно с ушите и устните (но това, което е докосвано от самите устни не може да стане много по-чувствително, на оралната стимулация практически, но не и психически й липсва съвършения допир на пръстите; а прекрасното стимулиране от лицевите органи нос и уста се дължи на самото дишане върху другия и неговата ритмичност, но дори и да правите смени, тялото веднага се пренастройва и отговаря много добре на неочакваното; няма никакви магии тук, само лекота и ефирност)
Когато преди много години прочетох за обрязването на африкански девойки, поблагодарих на бог, че не съм се родила в джунглата или пустинята. За мен това означаваше ужасно осакатяване. Необрязаната жена там не е истинска жена. Разбрах защо. Африканецът няма да я вземе за жена, защото знае, че конвенционалният секс само няма да й достави несъмнено удоволствие. Да се изключва клитора, поне в началото е трудно. Ще рече някой защо трябва – ами защото, пенисът на мъжа ви не си играе с клитора ви през цялото време. Той ползва вагината основно.
Повечето от обрязаните африканки минават през ритуала точно преди да се омъжат, т.е те ще имат мъж и ще трябва да си развият “вагинален или вътрешен отговор” за да могат да получат от това основно ползване голямо удоволствие. Ако не се омъжат, могат да останат и необрязани. Ако клиторът остане, но не се ползва в сексуалните игри на жената, могат да се появят проблеми. Той не може да бъде отстранен отвън всъщност.
Т. нар. джи точка е вътрешната страна на клитора; при обрязването се отстранява неговия връх.
Не ви карам да си правите операция, но ако искате другия оргазъм без участието на клитора, трябва да си оттренирате “мост”, връзка между клитора и G-точката (при определени пози, клиторът все пак отново се намесва и мостът между него и нервите на вагината е доста здрав) Веднъж научили и свикнали с “истинския” вид, няма и да помислите за другия, клиторът ви ще започне да не ви отговаря както е било преди, няма да е по-слабо, а по-различно и по-“свързващо”. Няма истински и неистински оргазъм. Понякога зависи от практиката, която ще започнете, самотна или партньорска. Природата не е замислила да ощетява някого. Чувала съм, че обрязването на жени било превантивна мярка, за да не им харесва секса и да остават верни на мъжете си. Това едва ли е вярно. Жените мълниеносно бързо, и точно заради отстраняването на крайнта част на този разсейващ елемент клитора, който е уникален, холограмен, се научават да получават и правят удоволствие от други места. Клиторът го има просто за кеф, за видовете тренировки или за начална страница на сериала. Но върховни сексуални преживявания на жената могат да започнат оригинално и без неговото участие изобщо. Така че изборът си остава.
Ако жената поначало не харесва секса, дали тя ще има или няма клитор, това не й прави разлика. Клиторектомията не нарушава удоволствието, може да смути временно функциите заради съществуващите предишни навици на жената. Ако пък някой си мисли, че само защото физически на някоя сексът не й харесва и затова няма да си легне с чужд мъж просто така –пак е на грешен път. Обрязването, според мен, и при двата пола е просто една мярка за синхронизиране на брачните партньори в половото им общуване. *

Revolutionary Sex може и да дава добри съвети за създаване на близост чрез чувственост и отново чрез мостове на свързаността между двама човека в една любовна единица. Но практически се обърквате.
Жените може и да не се досещат, че когато се любят, ключовият момент не е само те да получават наслаждение, най-важното е, че докато наслаждението им се случва, мъжете им изживяват неизмеримо щастие. Жената е отговорна и за него. Това е илюзорно, естествено, колко са самомнителни тези мъже да си мислят, че нещото се дължи на техните умения. Дължи се главно на позицията, която заемат в живота ни.
Другите технически данни участващи в цялата тази история:
хормоналният статус на жената, начин на живот и особеностите на сексуалните преживявания. Заниманията със спорт и домакинска работа могат да направят чудеса. Жената никога не може да бъде уморена за секс, може просто да й липсва тонус от дълго седене зад на бюро и общо обездвижване. Всяка физическа работа съживява цялото ви тяло. Ако сте пробвали всичко в опитите си да накарате жената да свърши, запомнете – това би се случило и почти без никакви ваши “усилия” при жени с добре развита сексуалност. Разбрахте нали – не е мъжът факторът, жената е основният, с нейното си тяло, ако то не отговаря, проблемът е в него, не е у вас.
Друго, което е чудно в статистическите данни: вариращите проценти на изживените оргазми в едни и същи двойки. Веднъж случил се, този нищо и никакъв смешно фасулски оргазъм, и вероятността да го имате абсолютно всеки път, независимо от състоянието на мъжа, клони към 100%. Вие вече сте подвластни на навика си. Ако сте се сблъсквали с невероятността на оргазмите, то това е заради митологията и внушението, че той е нещо трудно, а той е най-лесното, трудно е да го кажа, но това си е истината.
За да бъде мъжът доволен от сексуалния си живот, той трябва да има едно – точната жена. За да бъде и жената доволна, трябва и тя самата да е точната. И те естествено всички мъже си знаят безотказните методи за обработване на любимата си жена, т.е. жената, за която им пука. Само с нея се прави любов – никаква грубост, никакво грубо манипулиране, само нежност до побъркване, само любов се прави. Това е емоционално свързаният секс. Само нежността я побърква. Намерете си жена, за която да ви пука, иначе ще живеете и умрете единствено в секс.
Описах още веднъж на тези, които се любят превъзходно това, което те вече знаят и могат.
Любимата песен на моята приятелка, в превод: “Чукай ме бавно”

* обрязването и за двата пола е осакатяващо и в много случаи пагубно за сексуалността. бабички-вещици и безчувствени жени, които завиждат на чувствените, са решили да правят касапница из африка, и белите доброволци, колкото и да им показват театър и да им обясняват като на малоумни колко е опасно това варварство, туземците си остават с болен, зъл, завистлив, извратен ум, който няма как да бъде излекуван. освен със смърт.



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1. анонимен - . . . have been out already this mo...
14.02.2009 07:40
... have been out already this morning to particpate in the 10km run ... only to learn that it has been rescheduled to february 21 ... the race is being organized by my secondary school which turns 100 years old this year ... as a schoolboy i took part in this race for 6 consecutive years ... in 1985 i came 32nd ... 1986 - 32nd ... 1987 - 46th, 1988 - 25th, 1989 - 16th, 1990 - 18th ... in 1985 i beat all the guys that went on to win the race between 1988 and 1990 ... the difference between them and me was that i went into each each race like a schoolboy taking an exam without attending any classes, without reading any books, without any knowledge of the subject ... in short every appearance i made was very impromptu ... 2009 would have been my seventh show and i wanted to show those young boys that age and experience can compete with them ... i am certain that had the race held this morning i would have been among the fastest ... unfortunately the race will hold on february 21 and will clash with the 21km run that will happen that day too ... it will not be possible for me to run two races concurrently ... but the postponement of the 10km run now frees me up for the 5km run for corporate organizations starting in about 30 minutes ... i never planned to run today's 5km ... it is less competitive ... i am not registered ... but am going there now to see if i can gatecrash into it ...it's a pity that things have turned out this way ... had i known ...
2. анонимен - . . am back. . . was not registered to ...
14.02.2009 10:05
.. am back ... was not registered to run but joined the 5km race ... there were about 1000 participants ... i started from the back of the pack ... so it was difficult to podition myself early ... if you can determine place yourself well within the first 500m, you can spend the rest of the race picking your final position, deciding who to overtake and when ... i did not have that luxury ... so my race plan had to be to gradually inch my way to the top ... it's what i did and people around me thinned out as i made progress ... 5km later i crossed the finishing line ... i was unable to find out my final position because i was not officiallly registered as a participant ... what i know is that there were just about five or six guys ahead of me ... worst case i was in the top 10 ... my timer started a few seconds before the race was officially flagged off ... at the finish line it read 21min 46.29 sec ... not the best but understandable considering that i had to casually force my way through the crowd ... next saturday i am officially registered for a 21km run ... for the half-marathon i think i will have to get my female companion to wait for me at the finish line to watch and tell me my exact position ... today's experience was useful ... i will try not to work too hard next week ...
3. анонимен - . . had my bath, go dressed, ate very ...
14.02.2009 11:19
.. had my bath, go dressed, ate very little ... now i am set to go to work ... fifteen teams of people spread across europe, africa, and asia started working at 0900 hours GMT on various activities i am co-ordinating ... i do not need to be there but i am responsible ... how can i allow them to have all the fun ... i need to be part of it ... will utilize any breaks available to catch the valentine spirit ... there will be more people on the beach this week-end than grains of sand ... i will also be there ...
4. анонимен - . . . am at work already. . . the dis...
14.02.2009 12:07
... am at work already ... the distance as the crow flies from home to work should be about 3 kilometres ... the distance by road i know to be exactly 7.7 kilometres ... a 30-minute jog if i decide to run ... a 10-minute drive by road ... there was a time i lived just 2km from work ... i was informed of an alarm in the office ... i ran to work because getting there by car was going to be slower ... i reached work 8 minutes after recieving the call ... don't joke with my commitment to what i do ... today the guys are on ground already at their various locations and deep in work ... i do not need to be directly involved ... will just keep tabs on their progress and face my own unimportant tasks ...
5. анонимен - . . . time to leave work. . . thirteen ...
14.02.2009 18:38
... time to leave work ... thirteen teams succeeded, two failed ... the undone bit will be tackled on monday ... will go home now ... eat something ... then go out to see how valentine is turning out ... the sea of humanity on the beach tonight can only be imagined ... do not want to miss that atmosphere ...
6. анонимен - . . . afte getting home and eating, i ...
15.02.2009 03:11
... afte getting home and eating, i slept off ... the race and work must have taken their toll ... it was nearly midnight when i woke up ... went out but never made it to the beach ... instead i picked up some information ... in september 2008 i asked the police to track down a guy for me ... they failed ... this night i met a woman who told me where to find him ... i drove to the place and sighted him ... and walked away ... there was no need to do anything to this guy ... i had moved on and bounced back ... if i were vindictive, he would be a dead man before morning ... i left him alone ... he is condemned already ... there are are scars all over his body ... so many parts of his body are broken ... he is a bionic patch-up ... a composite of artificial removable body parts ... and a heartless soul ... he will still get into trouble ... one day somebody will finish him off ... a man's life is not worth taking away for a mere fifty thousand dollars that went missing ... i am good sportsman ... this is a laughing matter for me ... and if i tell you, i am going to work tomorrow do not be surprised ... i like work ... work keeps you away from so many troubles ...
7. анонимен - . . . have had nothing to say about ...
15.02.2009 09:57
... have had nothing to say about your sex therapy narrative ... it is for people who have that medical problem to solve it as best they can ... it is not a public health issue ... the problem with words is that when many people say the same thing they mean different things and what you say is not what they will hear ... i feel strong this morning ... want to go out and do my routine sunday 4200 metres run ... my last chance to train ahead of hallf-marathon of february 21 ... i measured yesterday's race distance to be 5150 metres ... it is a race i should have won without effort unless there were elite runners in the field ... i think that if i get to find the identities and backgrounds of those five or six guys who i did not catch up with, you will understand why ... i would have have needed an extension of the race distance to reach them ... yesterday was also st.valentine's ... it went well for me ... i am never under pressure on february 14 because my time is primarily dedicated to work and as such i have never allowed anybody - male or female - to even begin to have ideas that he or she can take control of my time ... i did not spend any money on february 14 but did make calls to a couple of my female acquaintances ... the first call was on february 12 ... i called queen wishing her a happy valentine's in advance ... we live in cities 800km apart ... my wish is her command ... if i had wanted her to be with me, she would have come ... but even you can see i have been very busy with work and having to manage a visitor was one thing i could do without ... on february 14 i called joy from work to find out how she was doing ... i mentioned that i was toying with the idea of going to the beach yesterday evening ... she was all for it and wanted us to meet there but i did not commit ... and it turned out to be a prescient position to take ... because when i reached home in the evening after work, i slept off unexpectedly and ultimately never made it to the beach ... you are a very tough-talking blogger ... tell me ... how many human beings have you killed ... can you justify your taking human life for any reason ... i am listening to you ... for sometimes i feel that your right to freedom of expression allows you in your blogs to make claims that misrepresent you and your realities ... you think you are not anonymous and better off because you have invented blog names for yourselves ... there are men that can kill for 10 cents ... there are also men that commit suicide because their net worth dropped from 12 billion dollars to 9 billion dollars ... if you see the impact of a stray bullet on two-inches of thick shatter-proof glass, you will remove the word 'tough' from your dictionary as a word that can be used to describe a human being ... i do not need your sex therapy ... just let me know where you stand regarding the lethal application of force ... i will listen to you even when i know that i will not hear what you have to say ...
8. анонимен - . . . have not been able to train or ...
15.02.2009 17:15
... have not been able to train or work today ... have been suffeeing from sudden sleep syndrome ... i fall asleep asleep anywhere i lie ... probably the accumulated fatigue of unceasing work ... i am yet to go out today ... saw a missed call from ruth on my mobile phone ... ruth was my vacation companion ... i have been ignoring her calls and test messages ever since i resumed work ... today i called her ... told her that daily calls were not in my character ... we agreed to see today around 2-3pm ... but i fell asleep again ... and it's now 4pm ... and my mobile phone is in the car ... i am sure i have missed her calls ... anyway in the course of our converstaion i made it clear to her that i am not responsible for her and that she should stop her persistent requests for cash ... you see i am talikng to her ... sending a message ... i told you this before ... i will not use her ... i like her in a non-exploitative way ... i like the fact that she does not use any cosmetics ... the fact that she can be about and not leave any traces of perfume ... i find cosmetics and perfume very repulsive ... a form of pollution ... most women are into their use ... slaves ...
9. анонимен - . . . i spent most of the day sleeping ...
16.02.2009 00:12
... i spent most of the day sleeping and waking up ... sixteen hours went like that ... was unable to go to work ... did not run ... but managed to meet ruth ... don't say i dated her ... she cannot be my date ... mere mortals cannot date gods ... the last time i had seen her was a month ago ... since then she has been bombarding me with missed calls and text messages which i have been to busy to handle or which i found too silly to respond to ... this evening was a chance to catch up with developments in her life ... her hairstyle had changed ... she had some pimples on her chin ... she was wearing the glasses i got for her in january ... my dear companion ... so simple and uncomplicated ... as usual not leaving any trail of perfume about ... her life is on the slow lane ... too slow for my liking ... but you never know ... life is full of surprises ... i know surprise ... surprise can come when and where you least expect it ... never write her off ... we did not touch ... we did not hold hands ... ruth was the last person i would have called if i were looking for sex ... we were neither friends nor lovers nor anything special ... just two people destiny had brought together in time and space for a limited interval for reasons unkown to the parties involved ... we spent three hours together ... your guess as to whether there will be a next time is as good as mine ... all i can say for now is: ruth, thanks for being part of history ...
10. coffeen - to be honest :))
16.02.2009 00:21
I might have unfortunately killed a couple of guys... Altough my intention has always been to maintain the utmost protection.. and care.
I have no idea whether you are a real person or whether you are just s.o. who's playing his tricks
Tell me, if you please, what exactly do you miss?
I will also recommend an article to you. whenever you have the time to pay a little attention to:
What else can you do except work? I don't fancy people who hide behind their business or use it as an excuse for their inability to realise how they FEEL about themselves and their own life. Work can never be any substitute.
11. coffeen - you should
16.02.2009 00:33
go and fuck that lady. What the hell do you wait for?
12. анонимен - . . . hi coffee. . . it's monday mor...
16.02.2009 10:19
... hi coffee ... it's monday morning ... won't be right to start the working week with blog comments ... will check out the article you recommended this coming week-end ... regards ...
13. анонимен - . . . strange advice to screw ruth ...
16.02.2009 10:31
... strange advice to screw ruth coming from a lady ... relax ... i learnt the ropes where the ground starts shaking when men make love ... almost as if an earthquake were taking place ... and despite all that i still chose my own way ... regards ...
14. анонимен - Your Question: Tell me, if you pl...
16.02.2009 14:43
Your Question: Tell me, if you please, what exactly do you miss?

My Answer: Nothing really. An individual with the level of control that enables survival on just about 5% of income is not somebody looking for something. You are dealing with mental soundness highly-resistant to petty influences.
15. анонимен - . . . three very senior regional e...
16.02.2009 23:18
... three very senior regional executives arrived the country on a two-day visit ... i am just coming back from a late dinner in their honour ... i committed a gaffe at the end of the evening ... i called one of them a clown straight to his face at point-blank range ... he was momentarily disoriented but took it well ... i too realized from his reaction that i had goofed ... it was however said in good humour ... i was not drunk ... my alcohol consumption is probably one glass per annum ... all i took this evening was three glasses of apple juice ... but i always mean what i say ... so the guy should take note ... it is ok if you misunderstand me ... by the way i found time to visit http://dobromirdimitrov.blog.bg/viewpost.php?id=275466 ... after reading the first sentence of the posting i lost interest and abandoned the rest of the article ... that first sentence was enough to get an idea of what followed ... so there was no need to read more than that ... i was sure that i would not find anything of value in the write-up ... please share http://dobromirdimitrov.blog.bg/viewpost.php?id=275466 with lazy people who need the reassurance that they are alright ...
16. coffeen - ...
16.02.2009 23:30
could you please tell me the reason you post comments here? I mean you give intelligence on your life.. It is a good story, looks quite exotic to me. If there is anything else, except sharing your experience, spit it out... perhaps I can help.
17. анонимен - . . . it's an accident. . . i mean being ...
17.02.2009 00:07
... it's an accident ... i mean being here is an accident ... i do not understand it ... but i am trying to leave ... being here has helped me eliminate other distractions ... why you ... no reason ... just take it to be an accident ...
18. coffeen - ...
17.02.2009 00:22
that was all I needed to know. thank you for your kindness
19. анонимен - . . . of course i am kind and you know ...
18.02.2009 00:37
... of course i am kind and you know it ... let's take the case of ruth for example ... she needed a friend ... i needed a vacation companion ... good deal ... i found her suitable for the purpose i required her for ... i also met her own expectations of a friend ... then suddenly she started making some demands i would not expect from someone in need of just a friend ... i was forced to ask her ... what were you looking for ... a friend - she said ... and i did not push any further ... it was left for her to work out what i meant by asking that question ... or at least to serve as a reminder of what she professed at the onset ... i needed her for a purpose and found her to be a perfect holiday companion ... i could not have asked for anything better ... sleeping with her is another proposition ... i like her as a person ... but do not feel that there is enough spiritual synergy between us for her to be more than a temporary companion or if you like a long-term friends-only person ... i cannot play with such a person ... i cannot exploit such a person ... that is my standard ... that's why i cannot sleep with her even if she wants me to ... i tell you ... it is very difficult for women to get me in bed especially once i have determined their limits ... ruth is too weak for sex with me ... and i do not want to hurt her ... i know that she has no future with me and so why use her for sex only to dump her in no time ... who knows ... maybe she does not even know how to make love ... i don't know what she is capable of ... but for pure sex i would rather deal with a commercial sex worker than fool around with a good girl like ruth and scar her for life ... look i sleep with a clear conscience every night simply because i am true to my principles ... there is nothing i have done that i need to hide from anybody... one of my ex-bosses once said he had never met anyone like me who would speak the truth all the time without any fear or concern that i would be exposing myself ... you know - employees have a tendency to hide their errors from their bosses or misreport facts just to cover up situations ... i was not and am not like that ... i am never afraid of the truth ... and not so much because i am honest ... but simply because there is nothing easier than saying the truth ... you do not have to think up or invent truth ... just say things the way they are ... that simple it is ... and once you say the truth the way it is, you do not have to ever remember what you said in case of the next time you are asked the same question ... there is nothing wrong with me ... i have nothing to hide ... i think it is perfectly alright for me to go naked to work ... there is no need for me to wear any clothes ... clothes, cosmetics, lies, deceit and fraud are manufactured by and for the use of you normal people who are all the time trying to hide something about yourselves ... and you hate it when someone is so direct ... you become uncomfortable ... you think something is wrong ... because you lie all the time and expect everybody to be like you ... thank god for the current global financial melt-down which has unravelled the falsehood of the entire infrastructure you have conjured ... of which you cofeen are a promoter through your postings ... please ignore that last jibe ... just teasing you ... but trust my kindness ... this is an accident ... i am just a passer-by ... i do not need you ... i do not need anything from you ... i wish you well ... regards ...
20. coffeen - all right
18.02.2009 10:23
now I know you are the perfect person that's ever been born in this world. have you ever said a good word about anyone at all? I feel you take all the others for suckers.. only you are the fittest, the smartest, the coolest guy and you've never had any issues. And, since you are pretty straightforward and you do not hide why don't you give me your name. Don't shirk with any principles or decisions or whatever 'motivation' you can invent for your convenience. I want the truth. I don't need anyone praisnig themselves here. Not that I do not believe you - I do.. But it is only this belief and nothing more.
21. анонимен - . . . did i ever say i was perfect. . . ...
18.02.2009 12:14
... did i ever say i was perfect ... nope ... and i have said good things about you and ruth too .... so your argument is flawed from start ... therefore i will not take your allegations to heart ... they are just a valuable insight into the way what one person says may be misinterpreted by another ... or like rotazia you want to provoke me into saying more than i am supposed to ... that's okay ... it does not disturb me ... i am above that ... i find it funny ... even when i was a kid, i used to laugh at guys boiling with anger ... i am cool ... very cool ... i need to be ... it's love ... knowing that in one motion you can kill and despite that letting live ... power is nothing without control ... heard of that ... about belief ... i am not asking you to believe anything i say ... i am just contributing your blog ... i do not know your name ... have not thought of asking ... it will not be of any use to me ... a name is important though ... if you like a person, it is good to know his or her name ... depending on the way your relationship with that person plays out, the name may be the only thing that will transcend time ... you may wish to retain that name as a memento of the past, a souvenir, a reminder of what has been, a constant ring of joy in your mind ... what is my name ... i wonder why you need it ... i never thought i would have to give it to you ... it's no big deal ... i can do that but not in this space and on the condition that you never use it or publish it ... can i believe you ... no ... i do not trust you ... and do not expect you to trust me either ... i hope you are not disappointed by what i have just written ... have fun ... don't take me too serious ... enjoy me while i am around ... there is no tomorrow ... regards ...
22. coffeen - good.
18.02.2009 12:32
you are always so.. correct. you should have become a writer indeed you are brilliant with words.
and besides I like you for some reason
23. chilly - толкова многоточия 1) или е пр...
04.03.2009 20:41
толкова многоточия
1) или е проява на лош вкус
2) или преписва пасажи от смърт на кредит на Селин.
струва ми се, че е първото.

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